
Here’s a quick and easy way to get rid of the entire prison system: First strike, the convicted gets their genitals removed with castration. Second strike, the convicted gets a piece of the frontal lobe removed through a simple and fast lobotomy operation. Third strike, doesn’t exist anymore because look at strike one and two. Everybody can move on with their lives, no more wasting of tax money on useless prison systems that are basically rape camps for psychopaths. Instead everybody gets a two strike system that is fair and without bias, meaning the rich can NOT buy themselves out of this. The loss of freedom is not a deterrent, getting habitually raped isn’t either, but surgical measures that will remain for life, if that’s not a deterrent nothing will. Instead of the loss of freedom, convicts will loose reproductive rights and the right of agency.

Now before you start criticising, consider the fact that I never hear anyone with a better idea or something practical that could be implemented today. Rehabilitation you say, we would all like to see people get rehabilitated but reality disagrees. Also death is not a punishment because of the fact that everyone eventually dies, something that is universal and inevitable is not a punishment. Keep them alive and remove some of their basic functions in life, we have the technology and remember, Big Brother is watching you.

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